Authentication for Approved Individuals

Use this tool to re-verify an existing user based on their previous biometric verifications.


The Authentication for Approved Individuals tool, formerly known as User Access Management, allows merchants to perform biometric authentication on users for various purposes such as compliance requirements or specific business needs. This feature enables merchants to ensure that the user accessing their services or systems is the same individual who previously passed the initial KYC (Know Your Customer) verification.

Get Started


  • 🌎 Available globally
  • Available for Direct Link, Web/Mobile SDKs, and by API


  • We run a face-match (based on the threshold set by you) between the selfie/video submitted by the user and the selfie/video in the previous verification
  • Liveness - We check whether the user's selfie video shows a real live human.


There are 3 main steps to set up the User Access Management merit:

  1. Setup your metamap on the dashboard
  2. Integrate or use MetaMap's Direct Link
  3. Process verification results

Step 1: Setup a Metamap

In the MetaMap dashboard, go to Metamaps section and build a new Metamap using the blue button. Once you get to the Metamap builder find in the left pane the Authentication for Approved Individuals tool, under the 'Fraud' category, and add it to the User's Experience in the central pane. You can delete any other existing merit blocks. Your Metamap should look like the following one:

Step 2: Integrate

In order to use Authentication for Approved Individuals tool, a user should be verified through a flow with a biometric check. This initial verification will serve as the reference identity for future re-verification processes. Make sure to take note of the Identity ID associated with this verification.

When integrating the re-verification flow include a new parameter called identityId, which corresponds to the Identity ID obtained in the user's initial verification.

You can get the identityId value from the callback events when using MetaMap SDKs and from the request response when using our API under the identity tag at the Start Verification step.

Integrate using Direct Link

Add the identityId parameter to the Direct Link URL.{{clientId}}&flowId={{flowId}}&identityId={{identityId}}

Integrate using SDK


Add the identityId parameter to the Web SDK script

<script src="">

Android SDK

Add the identityId parameter in the Metadata object as explained here.


Add the identityId parameter in the Metadata object as explained here.

Integrate using API

Creating the Authentication for Approved Individuals flow instance

When calling the Start Verification API endpoint add the identityId parameter in the request body.

  	"flowId": "{{flowId}}",  
    "identityId": "{{identityId}}"

Sending the Authentication for Approved Individuals input files

This step has 2 main differences compared to the usual step you follow when sending inputs.

  1. You should use the following API endpoint to send the file, instead of the endpoint you usually use for sending inputs:{{verificationId}}/send-input

  1. You should use the verificationId as endpoint parameter instead of the identityId. The verificationId comes under id tag in the request response when creating the instance.
    "documents": [],
    "expired": false,
    "identity": "{{identityId}}",
    "inputs": [...],    
    "steps": [],
    "id": "{{verificationId}}",

Using Metadata

If you are sending Metadata as part of the Authentication for Approved Individuals flow, it will me merged with Metadata object used in the initial verification, so you will receive back one single Metadata object with the content of both flows.

Step 3: Authentication for Approved Individuals results


You can see the Authentication for Approved Individuals result in the dashboard, along with the original and current biometrics.


You will need to configure your webhooks, then handle the webhook responses that will be sent to your webhook URL.

For Authentication for Approved Individuals you will receive a webhook with a re-facematch step id. This webhook contains the score obtained from the facial comparison under the facematchScore tag as well as secure links to the biometric media files. Find samples for successful and unsuccessful results in the following box:

  "metadata": {
    "OriginalFlowMetadataKey": "OriginalFlowMetadataValue",
    "CurrentFlowMetadataKey": "CurrentFlowMetadataValue"
  "resource": "{{currentVerificationId}}",
  "step": {
    "status": 200,
    "id": "re-facematch",
    "data": {
      "currentSelfiePhotoUrl": "",
      "currentSelfieVideoUrl": "",
      "facematchScore": 99.98845,
      "previousSelfiePhotoUrl": "",
      "previousSelfieVideoUrl": "",
      "previousVerificationId": "{{previousVerificationId}}"
    "error": null
  "eventName": "step_completed",
  "flowId": "{{flowId}}",
  "timestamp": "2023-05-26T20:29:16.634Z"
  "metadata": {
    "OriginalFlowMetadataValue": "001",
    "CurrentMetadataValue": "12345"
  "resource": "{{currentVerificationId}}",
  "step": {
    "status": 200,
    "id": "re-facematch",
    "data": {
      "currentSelfiePhotoUrl": "",
      "currentSelfieVideoUrl": "",
      "facematchScore": 3.8107125,
      "previousSelfiePhotoUrl": "",
      "previousSelfieVideoUrl": "",
      "previousVerificationId": "{{verificationId}}"
    "error": {
      "type": "StepError",
      "code": "facematch.notConfidentComparison",
      "message": "The person on photos might not be the same",
      "reasonCode": "notConfidentComparison"
  "eventName": "step_completed",
  "flowId": "{{flowId}}",
  "timestamp": "2023-05-26T20:38:06.806Z"