Work Account Data

Instant access to work account transactions and income data


Metamap's Work Account Data provides instant access (with user consent) to financial data such as income, transactions, bank account information, identity and ratings & reviews.


We currently support the most popular work accounts across Latin America

  • Check our list of supported institutions for more information.
  • This can be integrated through our (1) mobile & web SDKs and through (2) direct link.


  • Instant access to work account financial data

    Users can log in using their work account credentials to securely and accurately share all of their financial data stored within their account instead of filling out long forms.

  • Access to structured work account data

    With our Work Account Data merit, once your users provide work account credentials, MetaMap sends your their financial information in a consistent and easily digestible data format. The data will be returned in a single call and will cover data such as:

  • Income

  • Transactions

  • Bank Account Information

  • Identity

  • Reputation and Reviews

Available DataDescriptionExamples
IncomeOutstanding amount, Annual salary$730.02 is to be paid to Salma at the end of the month
TransactionsIndividual credit amounts$27.21 was earned on an Uber Ride on Thursday, May 1st
Bank Account InformationFinancial institution where salary will go towardsJane has a checking account XXXX at Bank of America
IdentityPersonal informationJane Doe has an email of [email protected] and is located in Mexico
Reputation and ReviewsUser generated ratingOn May 5th the current rating is 4.2 out of 5.0

Key Metrics

  • Response in <20s
  • Opt-in rate >70%
  • Popular work accounts that cover multiple regions

How it Works

As a first step, users are provided with a variety of methods where they can share access to their financial data. They are provided with explanations relating to how their data will be accessed and used. With their consent, this data is then parsed, extracted and enriched and returned in a variety of formats.Here is the configuration process within your dashboard


There are 3 main steps to set up the Work Account Data merit:

  1. Setup your metamap on the dashboard
  2. Use our quick start integration steps
  3. Process verification results

Step 1: Set Up a Metamap

The first step to setting up a Work Account Data merit is to create a new metamap in the Dashboard. Once you've created a new metamap, add the Work Account Data product to the user flow, and enable the countries that you want to be available for your users to select from.


Here is the configuration process within your dashboard

Step 2: Integrate

Currently you can use MetaMap's Work Account Data:

  1. Metamap Button — Integrate our MetaMap Button SDK into your application to use our prebuilt UX
  2. Direct Link — Receive a URL link that you can send to your users

Integrate our MetaMap Button via SDK

Use our SDK integration if you want to use MetaMap's verification tools but design your own experience for your users.

To implement this:

  1. Setup the metamap for Work Account Data in the dashboard
  2. Install and implement an SDK framework

Animated GIF of an example user metamap. On separate screens, users can select a work account, log in, enter an OTP, and get verified.

Integrate via Direct Link

If you are not a developer, or you don't have the resources to integrate at this time, you can start using the product in minutes without any code with our Direct Link.

To implement this:

  1. Set up the metamap for Work Account Data in the dashboard
  2. Get the Direct Link
  3. Send the Direct Link to your users

Step 3: Process verification results

Dashboard Verification Results

In the dashboard, visit the Verifications tab, and click on a Verification to review the results. These are the checks that indicate whether or not a user has completed adding their Work Account Data:

  • Financial Information
  • Work Account
  • Success or Failure

Webhook verification results

You will need to configure your webhooks, then handle the webhook responses that will be sent to your webhook URL.

  "flowId": "61654d7549baf62d79e6f645",
  "accounts": [
      "name": "Didi earnings",
      "type": "OTHER",
      "number": null,
      "currency": "MXN",
      "transactions": [
          "date": "2021-12-15T00:00:00.000000",
          "amount": "500.00",
          "description": "Food Delivery"
      "current_balance": "500.00",
      "available_balance": "500.00"
  "identity": {
    "name": "Adam Sandler",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phone": "1298285934"
  "eventName": "financial_institution_scrape_data_received",
  "timestamp": "2022-01-03T19:39:28.138Z",
  "institution": {
    "id": "didi",
    "name": "DiDi",
    "type": "Gig"
  "verificationId": "617161d95f83df001bcfa897"


Supported Institutions

The available data per institution is indicated with green dots ():


Request additional coverage

We are currently adding more sources all the time, reach out to to your customer success manager or [email protected] to request for additional coverage

Institution NameCountriesAvailable Endpoints
Didi Food• Mexico
• Costa Rica
• Colombia
Bank Accounts
Ratings & Reviews
Rappi• Brazil
• Argentina
• Chile
• Colombia
• Croatia
• Ecuador
• Mexico
• Peru
• Uruguay
Bank Accounts
Ratings & Reviews
Uber, Uber Eats• Brazil
• Argentina
• India
• Chile
• Colombia
• Croatia
• Ecuador
• Mexico
• Peru
• Uruguay
Bank Accounts
Ratings & Reviews