Biometric Verification

Verify the liveness and physical identity of an individual.


Biometric Verification is a tool you can add to your workflow to determine if the person interacting with your application is the intended and authorized individual. The individual will be required to capture a selfie photo or video, depending on which one you configure. MetaMap will then determine whether the individual passes a liveness check and is the intended person.



  • Liveness

    We check whether the individual's selfie photo/video shows a live human.

  • ID Document Facematch

    We check whether the individual's selfie photo or video matches the ID document captured as part of the Document Verification block.

  • Government Database Facematch

    We check whether the individual's selfie photo or video matches the government database specified as part of the Government Check block.

  • Duplicate face detection

    We check whether the individual has been seen before.

Passive Liveness 2.0

MetaMap leverages on Incode’s proprietary iBeta certified Passive Liveness solution, offering superior fraud prevention and a more seamless user experience.

Key Features

Enhanced Fraud Prevention:

Our advanced AI technology detects a broad range of spoofing attempts, including lenses, masks, multiple people, and closed eyes.

Highest Security Standards:

This is the first iBeta certified passive liveness solution globally, fully compliant with ISO 30107 and NIST security guidelines.

Seamless User Experience:

Passive liveness verification ensures that users can prove their identity without performing extra steps, like moving their head in specific ways, for a smoother experience.

Highest Accuracy:

Fewer false rejections will lead to a faster and more efficient user onboarding process.


Passive Liveness is available for all integration types.

Advanced Configurations

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, it's essential to stay ahead of emerging fraud tactics. MetaMap offers additional premium configurations designed to provide higher levels of protection. These features can further strengthen your verification process and enhance security.

  1. Digital Spoof Detection

    This feature enhances your defense against advanced digital manipulation techniques, including injection attacks, deepfakes, and digitally altered images.

  2. Face Evasion Check

    Detects intentional attempts to bypass facial recognition through methods such as using tape, makeup, or unusual facial expressions.

  3. Age Verification

    Accurately estimates the user's age, which is essential for age-restricted services and ensuring compliance with age-related regulations.

Duplicate Detection via Facematch

The Duplicate Detection via Facematch feature, part of the Biometric Verification Tool, is designed to enhance security and prevent fraudulent activities by detecting whether a user attempting identity verification has already been seen in the same MetaMap account. This detection is performed by matching facial biometrics.

Key Use Cases

This feature is particularly useful in preventing fraudsters from verifying multiple identities using the same face. Some key use cases include:

Multi-identity fraud prevention:

Detect when a person tries to pass the verification process with different identities.

Duplicate user prevention:

Ensure that the same user does not create multiple accounts within your system and flag repeated attempts to verify identities that have been previously flagged or rejected.

Deduplicate facial biometrics:

Identify and consolidate records where the same facial biometric data has been submitted across multiple verification attempts, maintaining a clean and accurate user database.

Configuration Options

When enabling Duplicate Detection via Facematch, you can configure the following settings:

Verification Status Filter

You can choose which previous verification statuses (Verified, Review Needed, or Rejected) should be considered during the duplicate search. By default, all statuses are selected.

Facematch Threshold

Set the minimum threshold for face matching during the duplicate search. Only match instances with a score equal to or above this threshold will be considered duplicates.

The default threshold is 99%, but you can customize this between 40% and 100% to suit your risk tolerance.

Duplicate Detection Outcome

Define the automatic response when a duplicate is detected. By default, the verification is set to be Rejected. Alternatively, you can choose to flag the verification for Manual Review.