Customer Access Management Webhooks

The following are the webhooks for the Custom Watchlist Tool. The webhooks have the following IDs:


Step Completed

"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "re-facematch", 
  "error" : null

Step Error

"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "re-facematch", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "VALIDATION_ERROR", 
    "code" : "422", 
    "message" : "Parameters validation error!"
"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "re-facematch", 
  "data" : {
    "currentSelfiePhotoUrl" : "http://media-server/media/selfie/xxx.png", 
    "currentSelfieVideoUrl" : null, 
    "facematchScore" : 0.049, 
    "previousSelfiePhotoUrl" : "http://yyy.jpeg", 
    "previousSelfieVideoUrl" : null, 
    "previousVerificationId" : "<previous verification ID>"
  "error" : {
    "type" : "StepError", 
    "code" : "facematch.differentPerson", 
    "message" : "There are different persons on photos"
"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "re-facematch", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "StepError", 
    "code" : "facematch.noSuitableBiometricsFound", 
    "message" : "Previous suitable biometrics inputs were not found."
"step" : {
  "status" : 200, 
  "id" : "re-facematch", 
  "error" : {
    "type" : "StepError", 
    "code" : "node.failed", 
    "message" : "Cannot meet dependent node"