List of Government Checks by Country
Supported Government Checks by region and country
Use this list to check which government checks are available for the country of your choice. These government checks include:
- Government ID Verification
- Criminal Records Check
- Driving License Verification
- Business Verification
- Tax Number Verification
Listed input and output values are subject to change
Please refer to the MetaMap Dashboard for the latest values.
Supported Countries by Region
Latin America
- Argentina
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- Chile
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Dominican Republic
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- Guatemala
- Mexico
- Panama
- Peru
- Venezuela
- Uruguay
South East Asia
If a country you are interested in is not listed, reach out to [email protected].
Latin America
Source | Tool | Available to SDKs and Verification API | Available as Standalone API endpoint | Input Parameters | Output Parameters |
GOVCHECK | Government ID Verification | documentNumber, callbackUrl | fullName, dniNumber, cuit, deceased, dateOfBirth, phoneNumbers | ||
GOVCHECK+AFIP | Government ID Verification | documentNumber, callbackUrl | fullName, dniNumber, cuit, deceased, dateOfBirth, phoneNumbers, taxStatus, taxIdType, taxNumber, activityCode, activityDescription | ||
GOVCHECK Premium | Government ID Verification | documentNumber, dateOfBirth, gender, dateOfIssue, callbackUrl | idMainIssue, idReprint, copy, issueDate, expiryDate, lastName, names, fullName, dob, streetName streetNumber, floor, apartment, zip, neighborhood, monobloc, city, town, state, country, deathNotice, dod, citizenId, nationality, taxId, gender, nationalId, issueDateValidation | ||
DNI Validity Checker | Government ID Verification | documentNumber, dateOfBirth, gender, dateOfIssue, callbackUrl | documentNumber, dateOfIssue | ||
GOVCHECK Extended | Government ID Verification | documentNumber, callbackUrl | documentNumber, fullName, firstName, surname, dateOfBirth, taxIdType, taxNumber, dateOfDeath, phoneNumber, email, activityCode, activityDescription, address, nationality, gender, dateOfIssue, dateOfExpiry, sanctioned, pep, sujetoObligado | ||
GOVCHECK Facematch | Government ID Verification | selfie, documentNumber | dniNumber, name, surname, governmentFaceMatch.matched, governmentFaceMatch.score, gender |
Source | Merit | Available to SDKs and Verification API | Available as Standalone API endpoint | Input Parameters | Output Parameters |
OEP | Government ID Verification | documentNumber, fullName, dateOfBirth | documentStatus, documentNumber, fullName, country, state, city |
Source | Merit | Available to SDKs and Verification API | Available as Standalone API endpoint | Input Parameters | Output Parameters |
CPF Receita Federal | Government ID Verification | cpfNumber, fullName, dateOfBirth, mothersName, fathersName, documentType, documentNumber, expirationDate | cpfNumber, gender, nationality, taxStatus, dateOfBirth, fullName, mothersName, fathersName, documentType, documentNumber, expirationDate | ||
CNPJ | Business Verification | cnpj, callbackUrl | companyName, commercialName, cpnj, dateOfOpening, companySize, status, statusReason, statusDate, specialStatus, specialStatusReason, mainActivity, secondaryActivities, companyType, address, street, number, zipCode, district, municipality, state", details, contact, email, phoneNumber, EFR, timestamp | ||
CNPJ Extended | Business Verification | cnpj, callbackUrl | registrationNumber, companyName, legalName, registrationStatus, statusDate, legalCode, legalDescription, registrationDate, cnaeCode, cnaeDescription, street, locality, areaNumber, additionalAddress, postcode, localitySector, administrativeCode, administrativeName, federationUnit, countryCode, countryName, phoneCode, phoneNumber, companyEmail, companySize, shareholderType, cpfNumber, shareholderName, assignationDate, countryCode, countryName, cpfNumber, representativeName | ||
CPF Light | Government ID Verification | cpf, callbackUrl | fullName, dateOfBirth, cpf, taxSta | ||
DPF Criminal record check | Criminal Records Check | documentNumber or cpf, fullName | fullName, documentNumber, cpf, certificateNumber | ||
Background Checks | fullName, cpf, callbackURL, dateOfBirth, fullCheck | fullName, cpf, dateOfBirth, status, fullBackgroundCheck, search, id, tags, identityId, BranchId, isStatusTemporary, status, createdAt, receivedNotifiableStatusAt, finishedProcessingAt, priorityFinishedProcessingAt, exceptionListStatus, notifiedWebhookAt, officialNameStatus, match, candidate, officialName, name, cpf, birthday, receivedFinalStatusAt, results, id, crawler, crawlerFullName, isCertificate, status, linkEvidence, finishedProcessingAt, ignored, review, certificate, trials |
Source | Merit | Available to SDKs and Verification API | Available as Standalone API endpoint | Input Parameters | Output Parameters |
Criminal certificate | Criminal Records Check | Sheet number, Verification code | Criminal certificate file | ||
Driver license | Driving License Verification | RUN number | Full name, license status | ||
Registro Civil | Government ID Verification | runNumber, documentType OR nationality, documentNumber | runNumber status, documentNumber status | ||
Registro Civil Extrajenero | Government ID Verification | runNumber, documentType, nationality, documentNumber | runNumber status, documentNumber status | ||
RUT | Tax Number Verification | Full Name, RUN | Full Name, RUN, Registered Tax Payer (T/F) |
Source | Merit | Available to SDKs and Verification API | Available as Standalone API endpoint | Input Parameters | Output Parameters |
BDUA | Government ID Verification | documentNumber | documentStatus, fullName, dateOfBirth, documentNumber, state, municipality | ||
Migration Institute | Government ID Verification | documentNumber dateOfIssue callbackURL | fullName, nationality, status, dateOfExpiry, dateOfIssue, certificateCode | ||
Registraduria | Government ID Verification | documentNumber, callbackUrl | ageRange, bankAccountsCount, commercialIndustryDebtsCount, documentNumber, emissionDate, financialIndustryDebtsCount, fullName, gender, issuePlace, name, middleName, surname, secondSurname, savingAccountsCount, solidarityIndustryDebtsCount, serviceIndustryDebtsCount, | ||
Registraduria Light | Government ID Verification | documentNumber dateOfIssue | fullName, documentNumber, emissionDate, placeOfIssue, status | ||
National Police | Criminal Records Check | documentNumber | fullName, documentNumber, criminalRecords presence | ||
Procuraduria | Criminal Records Check | documentNumber, fullName | documentNumber, fullName, criminalRecords presence | ||
NIT | Tax Number Verification | documentNumber | NIT - Tax Number | ||
Contraloria | Tax Number Verification | documentNumber | documentNumber, taxStatus, verififcationCode | ||
RUNT | Driving License Verification | documentNumber, fullName | fullName, documentNumber, activeDriver, dateOfRegistry, License: documentNumber, dateOfIssue, activeLicense, hasFines | ||
SISBEN | Government ID Verification | documentNumber | firstName, lastName, documentType, documentNumber, municipality, department, surveyDate, lastUpdate, sisbenGroup, sisbenGroupDescription | ||
Unified Legal Search | Criminal Records Check | fullName callbackUrl | only for active legal cases idProceso, llaveProceso, fechaProceso, fechaUltimaActuacion, despacho, departamento, sujetosProcesales | ||
RUES | Business Verification | nit, callbackUrl | companyName, nit, shortName, municipality, category, status, enrollmentNumber, lastRenewal, renewalDate, enrollmentDate, expirationDate, enrollmentStatus, annullmentReason, companyType, organizationType, enrollmentCategory, lastUpdate, economicActivities, mainLegalRepresentative, otherLegalRepresentatives, entities, entityName, enrollmentNumber, status, category, enrollmentDate, renewalDate, lastRenewed |
Costa Rica
Source | Merit | Available to SDKs and Verification API | Available as Standalone API endpoint | Input Parameters | Output Parameters |
TSE | Government ID Verification | documentNumber, callbackUrl | documentNumber, firstName, lastName, secondLastName, dateOfBirth, nationality, deceased | ||
Seguro Social | Government ID Verification | documentNumber, fullName | insuranceStatus, fullName |
Dominican Republic
Source | Merit | Available to SDKs and Verification API | Available as Standalone API endpoint | Input Parameters | Output Parameters |
JCE | Government ID Verification | documentNumber, fullName | documentStatus, documentNumber, fullName | ||
RNC | - Government ID Verification - Tax Number Verification | documentNumber, fullName | fullName, rnc, commercialName, paymentScheme, status |
Source | Merit | Available to SDKs and Verification API | Available as Standalone API endpoint | Input Parameters | Output Parameters |
Social Security | Government ID Verification | documentNumber, callbackUrl | age, dateOfBirth, documentNumber, fullName, insurance, , coverage, message, type | ||
SRI | Government ID Verification | documentNumber, fullName | taxStatus, fullName, documentNumber |
El Salvador
Source | Merit | Available to SDKs and Verification API | Available as Standalone API endpoint | Input Parameters | Output Parameters |
TSE | Government ID Verification | documentNumber, fullName | documentStatus, documentNumber, fullName |
Source | Merit | Available to SDKs and Verification API | Available as Standalone API endpoint | Input Parameters | Output Parameters |
TSE | Government ID Verification | documentNumber, fullName, dateOfBirth | documentStatus, fullName |
Source | Merit | Available to SDKs and Verification API | Available as Standalone API endpoint | Input Parameters | Output Parameters |
CURP | Government ID Verification | documentNumber, callbackUrl | curp, birthDate, fullName, gender, name, nationality, surname, secondSurname | ||
INE | Government ID Verification | documentNumber ocrNumber cde emissionNumber, callbackUrl | documentNumber, cde, ne, ocrNumber, registrationYear, emissionYear | ||
RFC | Tax Number Verification | curp, callbackUrl | curp, egisteredTaxPayer | ||
RFC Status | Tax Number Verification | rfc, callbackUrl | fullName, rfc, legalRepresentativeRfc, legalRepresentativeCurp, certificates, serialNumber, status, type, startDate, endDate, base64Certificate, certificateData, issuer, issuerName, type, authorityName, emailAddress, street, zipCode, country, state, municipality, responsible, rfc | ||
PEP | Government ID Verification | fullName, callbackUrl | fullName, isPep, pepData | ||
Cedula Profesional | Professional License Verification | irstName, secondName, lastName, secondLastName | documentNumber, fullName, gender, profession, type, yearOfIssue, institution | ||
Background Checks | firstName, firstSurname, secondSurname, curp, callbackUrl | firstName, firstSurname, lastSurname, secondSurname, curp, dateOfBirth, age, gender, status, resource, timestamp, stepExtra, query, nombre, paterno, materno, persona, fisica, curp, estado, fecha_inicio, fecha_fin, detalle, numero_resultados, resultados, homonimia, validacion_curp, nombre, paterno, materno, fecha_nacimiento, sexo, entidad_nacimiento, curp |
Source | Merit | Available to SDKs and Verification API | Available as Standalone API endpoint | Input Parameters | Output Parameters |
Tribunal Electoral | Government ID Verification | documentNumber | fullName, dateOfIssue |
Source | Merit | Available to SDKs and Verification API | Available as Standalone API endpoint | Input Parameters | Output Parameters |
RENIEC | Government ID Verification | documentNumber, callbackUrl | documentNumber, firstName, middleName, surname, secondSurname | ||
SUNAT | Tax Number Verification | documentNumber, fullName | RUC, fullName, Province, taxStatus, taxPayerType, dateOfregistration, taxCondition, economicActivities | ||
Migration Institute | Government ID Verification | fullName, documentNumber, dateOfBirth | fullName, nationality, dateOfBirth, immigrationStatus, residentUntil, dateOfExpiry, dateOfIssue | ||
Health Social Security | Government ID Verification | fullName, documentNumber | fullName, dateOfBirth, insuranceType, documentNumber |
Source | Merit | Available to SDKs and Verification API | Available as Standalone API endpoint | Input Parameters | Output Parameters |
CNE | Government ID Verification | documentNumber, fullName | fullName, documentNumber, state, city | ||
SENIAT | Tax Number Verification | documentNumber, fullName | documentStatus, documentNumber, fullName |
Source | Merit | Available to SDKs and Verification API | Available as Standalone API endpoint | Input Parameters | Output Parameters |
Registro Civil | Government ID Verification | documentNumber | firstName, lastName, dateOfBirth, district, certificateNumber |
Source | Merit | Available to SDKs and Verification API | Available as Standalone API endpoint | Input Parameters | Output Parameters |
GRA | Tax Number Verification | personalNumber | taxStatus, personalNumber |
Source | Merit | Available to SDKs and Verification API | Available as Standalone API endpoint | Input Parameters | Output Parameters |
BRS | Business Verification | documentNumber, callbackUrl | registrationNumber, companyName, companyType, registrationDate, registrationStatus, postalAddress, physicalAddress, phoneNumber, kraPIN, shareCapital, shareNominalValue, shareHolders, name, shares, idType, idNumber | ||
E-Citizen | Government ID Verification | ID Number, firstName | documentNumber, documentStatus, firstName, lastName | ||
IPRS | Government ID Verification | documentNumber, callbackUrl | documentNumber, givenNames, lastName, fullName, gender, dateOfBirth |
Source | Merit | Available to SDKs and Verification API | Available as Standalone API endpoint | Input Parameters | Output Parameters |
NIN | Government ID Verification | documentNumber, firstName, lastName, callbackUrl | firstName, lastName, middleName, gender, phone, dateOfBirth, nin, photo, profession, birthCountry, educationalLevel, title, heigth, email, """nextOfKin"": { ""firstName"", ""lastName"", ""middleName, ""address1"", ""address2"", ""lga"", ""town"", ""state"" }" religion, signature, """residence"": { ""address1"", ""lga"", ""state"" }," maritalStatus, centralID, employmentStatus, Tracking ID, vnin, userId, govDBPhotoUrl | ||
VIN | Government ID Verification | documentNumber, firstName, lastName, dateOfBirth, callbackUrl | gender, fu,llName, vin, occupation, pollingUnitCode, lastName, firstName | ||
Driving License | Government ID Verification | documentNumber, firstName, lastName, callbackUrl | licenseNo, firstName, lastName, issuedDate, expiryDate, stateOfIssue, gender, dateOfBirth, middleName | ||
Address Verification | Government ID Verification | firstName, lastName, bvn, phone, address, landmark, state, city, image | first_name, last_name, phone, address, landmark, state, lga, add_info, latitude, longitude, residence_image, individual_image, comment, verifiedBuildingColour, verifiedBuildingType, confidence, message | ||
TIN | Business Verification | taxNumber, callbackUrl | companyName, FirsNumber, CacNumber, JtbNumber, taxOffice, companyPhone, companyEmail | ||
CAC | Business Verification | cacNumber, callbackUrl | type, companyName, cacNumber, status, companyAddress, companyEmail, registrationDate | ||
CAC Affiliates | Business Verification | registrationNumber, callbackUrl | shareholders, name, position, status, dateOfBirth, phoneNumber, email, city, address, idType, idNumber, shares, accreditationNumber |
Source | Merit | Available to SDKs and Verification API | Available as Standalone API endpoint | Input Parameters | Output Parameters |
Electoral Commission | Government ID Verification | nin, firstName | firstName, lastName, gender, voterNumber, village |
South East Asia
Source | Merit | Available to SDKs and Verification API | Available as Standalone API endpoint | Input Parameters | Output Parameters |
UMID/SSN | Government ID Verification | documentNumber | valid/invalid (boolean) | ||
Driver License | Government ID Verification | licenseNumber, serialNumber, expirationDate, callbackUrl | Full name, Birth Date, Gender, Validity | ||
NBI | Criminal Records Check | clearanceNumber, firstName, lastName, middleName, dateOfBirth | documentNumber, firstName, middleName, lastName, gender, dateOfBirth, civilStatus, clearanceStatus | ||
PNP Clearance Certificate | Criminal Records Check | clearanceNumber, firstName, lastName, middleName | fullName, clearanceStatus, documentNumber |
Source | Merit | Available to SDKs and Verification API | Available as Standalone API endpoint | Input Parameters | Output Parameters |
Dukcapil (to be deprecated) | Government ID Verification | nik, fullName, dateOfBirth, placeOfBirth | nik, nikStatus, name, nameMatch, dateOfBirth, dateOfBirthMatch, faceSimilarity, faceMatch |
Updated 3 months ago