Quick Start
MetaMap React Native plugin Usage Guide
This is a guide to implement Metamap in the React Native framework
check that the minSdkVersion
in <YOUR_APP>/build.gradle
is ≥21, then sync your Gradle files
MetaMap's React Native plugin requires iOS version >12
if your flow has a step that uses some native iOS computers, you need to go iOS folder in the project and add permissions in the info.plist iOS permissions
LTS version (Recommended for most users): | Current Version(Latest features) |
5.3.3 | 5.3.3 |
in a terminal, use the following command to install MetaMap for React Native, where <version_number> is either the LTS or current version:
npm i react-native-metamap-sdk@<version_number>
The plugin is stored in MetaMap npm account, it downloaded and installed into your project
Updated 6 days ago