MetaMap's webhooks communicate verification events to your server. Verification events hold data on each metamap merit and each check performed. By listening to these events, you can optimize your users' experience in your application.

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The following table describes our webhooks:

verification_startedSent at the beginning of the SDKs flow, when MetaMap is making a new verification record (usually at the upload of the first ID document)
verification_inputs_completedSent when the user has uploaded all inputs via SDKs. You can use that webhook to know when to redirect the user after the metamap is complete on your website/App.
verification_updatedSent from your MetaMap dashboard manually after updating the user verification information.
verification_postponed When gov check service is postponed and awaiting until step timeout error according the established databases request timeout.
verification_completedSent once MetaMap is done verifying a user entirely. When you get this webhook, you should GET the 'resource' URL to get the verification data about user.
verification_signed Based by base64NOMTimeStamp and is triggered only after verification_completed when digitalSignature service is finished processing.
verification_expiredSent when verification is not completed after 30 minutes. It means that the user probably did not finish the metamap.
step_completedwebhook sent after each verification step is completed (liveness, face match, document-reading, alteration-detection, template-matching, watchlist)